Monday, February 2, 2009

Creation of Windmill Complex in response to Climate Change

The increase of CO2 is closely related to human activities, and the effort to alternate the related natural resources is a global issue these days. As an effort to increase biodiversity and reduce related natural hazards through the reduction of CO2, Gangwon Province, between 2001 and 2006, has constructed 49 windmills of 2,000kW and 4 windmills of 660kW in Hoenggye-ri of Daegwallyeong Pyeongchang County, which in total produces 244,288MWh in electricity.

The produced electricity can provide enough amounts to 80,000 houses, and the amount not only saves the foreign import of 445.88 million barrels of oil, but also reduces 1.5 million of CO2 every year. Besides the use of wind energy perspective, the facility is also becoming a tour destination as it is located in pasture of highland area where 500,000 visitors every year can watch the great scenery of mountain range. It is expected that through the creation of such facility, efficient land use can be also possible along with the use of renewable clean energy.

Gangwon Wind Energy Production, Inc.
Department of Clean Energy Policy (Gangwon Provincial Government)

* Copyright: International Urban Training Center